

In the eastern regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the agri-food industry plays a crucial role in the local economy and the livelihood of populations. Despite the challenges posed by insecurity and conflict, agriculture remains a vital activity for many communities, providing not only livelihoods but also staples for daily food consumption.


Eastern DRC is renowned for its fertile lands and climatic diversity, providing an environment conducive to a wide variety of crops. Food crops such as corn, cassava, rice and vegetables are grown in this region, contributing to local food security. Additionally, commercial agriculture is also thriving, with products such as coffee, cocoa and tea finding their way into domestic and international markets.

Despite the region's considerable agricultural potential, many challenges persist. Political instability and armed conflicts have often disrupted agricultural activities, leading to population displacements, looting of crops and destruction of infrastructure. Additionally, access to markets and agricultural inputs may be limited in remote areas, hindering the economic development of local farmers.

The agriculture industry in Eastern DRC remains a vital and promising sector, offering opportunities for economic growth and sustainable development for local communities. By investing in agriculture, improving infrastructure, and strengthening the technical capacities of farmers, it is possible to boost agricultural productivity and improve the living conditions of the populations of the Eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo.